Anxiety at the Dental Office

“I have to tell you, Not sure how you’ve accomplished taking away one of Ciro’s largest fears in life, but you have. You’re the best dentist a person that fears them like I do, could have. Hands down, second to none. Absolutely no pain or discomfort, thanks to my dentist & great friend, Dr. Kenneth Levine.”


Many have experienced anxiety about going to the dentist. This can range from slight concern, nervousness, all the way up to being petrified or having paralyzing fear which prevents people from seeking their needed dental care. These thoughts can be based upon personal childhood recollections/experiences or even can be triggered by hearing stories related by others.

Today’s dentistry, and your visits to your dentist, should be completely different than those from your childhood or experienced by previous generations. Today’s dentists have many options available to you to make your dental appointments into a pleasant experience.

The technical procedures for fixing your teeth are much less invasive than before. The advent of bonding and other modern techniques enable your teeth to be restored with minimal preparations.

We have many options for relaxing our patients. In my periodontal/implant practice our patients’ comfort is our primary concern.

Our laser enables us to perform pocket elimination without cutting the tissues, which also eliminates any negative aesthetic changes of long and sensitive teeth.

When gum grafting is needed to cover recession or long teeth, we can use of freeze-dried tissue and the Pin Hole grafting is available at our office with no scalpel, no cutting and no stitches! It is known as the lunchtime gum grafting procedure.

We have a cone beam CT scan in our office which allows for very precise planning for complex cases.

Many types of sedation are available, including IV conscious sedation. Patients are totally relaxed and wake up having only a pleasant memory of their visit to our office.

We treat patients of all ages ranging from 2 days old up to 100 years young.

Please call to arrange your complimentary evaluation. This will include your examination, necessary digital images, formerly known as “X-rays” and a consultation with me.

The post Anxiety at the Dental Office appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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