This article, part 1 of 2, presents five interesting facts about teeth, oral health and hygiene.
Fact # 1: Sour is Just as Bad as Sweet!

What You Can Do:
- Consume acidic foods during mealtime
- Chew gums containing xylitol (such as Trident, Ice Breakers Ice Cubes and Orbit). Xylitol combats bacteria and has even been shown to prevent the formation of cavities in the enamel.
- Chewing gum that contains recaldent aids in the remineralization process of the teeth after eating. This counteracts erosion and helps to prevent tooth decay.
- Wait 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth. This will allow your teeth time to remineralize, reducing the risk of erosion.
Fact # 2: Enamel May Be the Hardest Substance in the Body, But it Can and Does Break Easily.
The sole function of your teeth is for eating food: incising, chewing and grinding. Habits such as grinding ice, forcing open containers and chewing on popcorn kernels are short-cuts to chipped and fractured pearly whites! If you want to keep your teeth in good condition, then stop using them as tools. Additionally, tongue and lip piercings are exceptionally bad for your teeth. Every time you talk, they click against the dental enamel, which risks the formation of chips and can result in long-term erosion.
Stay tuned for the next article post. In the final installment of our two-part series, we shall be exploring the three remaining interesting facts about your teeth.
The post Five Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth, PART 1 appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.