Free Dental Exams: The Best Things in Life ARE Free!

Free Dental Exams: The Best Things in Life ARE Free!

This article emphasizes the importance of regular professional oral healthcare and how free dental exams enable patients of all financial means to receive this attention.

Free Dental Exams

Money, money, money, money! Some will argue that it has too great a hold on our everyday lives, decisions and goals, while others will argue that it makes the world go around. But where money shouldn’t enter the equation is how frequently you see your dentist and govern whether or not you receive the dental healthcare necessary to maintain a beautiful smile and a high standard of oral health. Unfortunately, too many people cite finances as a reason for not going for those all important bi-annual visits with the dentist. So, it comes as fantastic news for both the future of your pearly whites and your bank account to learn that free dental exams are actually available!
Recognizing and Combating Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a chronic and acute bacterial infection of the gums. Because any oral bacterial infection doesn’t cause pain, problems can quite easily be ignored until some of the more severe associated symptoms start rearing their heads. Unfortunately, at this stage the prescribed treatment may not be able to undo all of the damage done and patients may face the need for some form of teeth replacement, such as dental implants. However, with free dental exams offered by Dr. Levine a skilled and experienced dentist, you are allowed the chance to bypass the financial hurdle and skip straight to receiving the attention you need to diagnose any and all existing and potential oral problems. The secret to maintaining a lifelong beautiful and healthy smile is preventative care. This will give people of all financial means a chance to do just this. Whoever said nothing was for free?

What to Expect:

So, what can you expect from the free dental exam? As with any comprehensive oral examination, Dr. Levine will:

• Scrutinize each tooth for signs of decay and cavities,
• Survey the gums for signs of infection, inflammation, sores and/or swelling,
• Inspect the soft tissues in the mouth for growths, sores, ulcers, lumps and any other abnormalities,
• Using a sharp dental implement, scrape the plaque (soft deposits of bacteria) and tartar (hardened deposits of bacteria) off of the crown of each tooth,
• Polish the teeth with a fluoride solution.

Should any problems present themselves during one of your free dental exams in Ft. Lauderdale, the dentist will make recommendations for treatment, which is unfortunately where the free stuff ends… but to get as far as identifying an existing or potential oral problem is extremely valuable! It means that, at the advice of the dentist in Ft. Lauderdale, you can seek the treatment you need to get your oral health back on track.

A Final Note:
With the availability of free dental exams, there really is no excuse for neglecting your oral health and hygiene. Very few dentists offer this service free of charge, so if it has been more than six months since your last clinical examination and prophylaxis, then this is the perfect opportunity for you!

The post Free Dental Exams: The Best Things in Life ARE Free! appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

The post Free Dental Exams: The Best Things in Life ARE Free! appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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