Keeping the Tooth-Fairy at Bay

Keeping the Tooth-Fairy at Bay

This article describes the various reasons why people do not visit the dentist as regularly as they should. It then goes on to describe the importance of taking one’s oral health seriously.
The dentist is – put very simply – the professional who is going to help you keep your original teeth for as long as possible. Lifelong oral hygiene and regular visits with this fellow are all it requires to keep your smile dazzling and healthy until well into your late adulthood (and hopefully, beyond!) Losing teeth may not seem like an imminent problem to you, but statistics released by leading dental healthcare authorities in America indicate strongly that the oral ailments that lead to tooth loss are extremely pervasive. As many as 85% of all Americans present with some form or stage of gum disease, which, if left undetected and untreated, leads to a whole host of really nasty symptoms. So, if you wish to restrict the tooth fairy’s agenda to collecting milk teeth only, then regular check-ups and teeth cleaning with the dentist are a must.
Keeping Those Bi-Annual Appointments
People rarely go to the dentist as frequently as they should. And there are several reasons why… perhaps you have a few of your own. With a world of responsibilities and deadlines on the shoulders of today’s competing professionals, it can be difficult to find a time to book ourselves in for an appointment or a teeth cleaning. Sometimes, the need for a dental check-up can even slip our minds! Then there are those people that suffer from an actual phobia of the dentist, which in most cases is a deep-rooted intangible fear rather than something born out of personal experience. The buck doesn’t stop here… many people avoid or put off their appointments and teeth cleanings with the dentist because they don’t want to have to pay for any of the treatment they know they might need. This is about as ridiculous as avoiding going to the gas station because you don’t want to have to pay to fill up your tank!
The Importance of Regular Visits with the Dentist
Dentistry Fort Lauderdale
Whether you are just too busy; suffer from anxiety associated with the dentist’s chair or are trying to avoid the expense, in all these cases you are making one fundamental mistake. Your oral health is something that requires work and investment. It is as important to your health, well-being and quality of life as having a job is to paying the bills. Your oral health is not a luxury to be toyed with until you are good and ready to see the dentist. So many people do not acknowledge how important regular dental check-ups and teeth cleanings are to maintain an excellent standard of oral health. You may believe that brushing twice a day is all you need, but according to medical statistics, you are gravely wrong. Keeping the tooth fairy out of commission requires that you take your oral health as seriously as you do your job, your family and yourself.
So… if you haven’t seen the dentist in the last six months, it’s time to go!

The post Keeping the Tooth-Fairy at Bay appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

The post Keeping the Tooth-Fairy at Bay appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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