Myths About Periodontal Disease

Myths About Periodontal Disease

Myths About Periodontal Disease








This article discusses some of the common myths surrounding Periodontal Disease, from bleeding gums to the necessity of flossing daily.

According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), a staggering three out of four people in the United States present with some form or stage of periodontal disease. This means that if you are standing in an elevator with three totally random strangers, only one of you is in the clear! Hopefully, it’s you… but with each of those strangers hoping just as fervently that they are the odd one out, your chances do not look good. In addition to these startling statistics, only 3% of all these people actually seek treatment for periodontal disease. And some of the biggest reasons behind this are the common misconceptions regarding this oral affliction. With the well-documented links between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer (among many others), understanding the facts and dispelling the myths has become more important than ever.

Myth # 1: Bleeding gums are common and are not really a problem

While gums that bleed when brushing are common amongst people of all ages, genders and lifestyles, this doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem. In fact, gums that tear easily are indicative of soft tissue that has become weakened; a key symptom associated with periodontal disease in Ft. Lauderdale. If your gums are inflamed, swollen and/or bleed when you brush, floss or eat certain foods, then you should visit your dentist immediately for a full evaluation of your oral health and make sure to mention this problem.

Myth # 2: As long as you brush twice a day, you don’t need to floss

A survey conducted in recent years showed that 86.5% of Americans do not floss every day. Yet, flossing is an integral part of routine oral care! It goes beyond the reach of normal brushing to help keep the narrow spaces between your teeth clear of accumulations of food. Without it, bacteria are left to thrive, thus rendering you more vulnerable to infection and the development of periodontal disease.

Myth # 3: Once you lose a tooth to periodontal disease, you’ll never get it back

Periodontists – the specialists who treat diseases of the soft tissues (gums) surrounding the teeth – are not only skilled in the elimination of infection and bacteria in the mouth, but are also experts in the placement of dental implants. While you will never be able to grow back a natural tooth, dental implants are a time-tested solution to single and multiple missing teeth and provide long-term, functional and aesthetic solutions. They also help promote a healthy jaw bone, so it is of vital importance that you have teeth lost to periodontal diseasereplaced.

Myth # 4: Periodontal diseaseis only a result of poor oral hygiene

Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple! While regular brushing and flossing are integral to keeping periodontal diseaseat bay, there are several other factors that are known to increase your risk of developing this terrible oral affliction. Perhaps the greatest of these factors is tobacco use. Stress, poor nutrition, a lack of exercise and even your genetics can determine your risk for gum disease. Early intervention is the best possible method of treating periodontal disease in Ft. Lauderdale, so make sure you seek regular attention from your general dentist or a specialist if you feel that you are at a greater risk.

The post Myths About Periodontal Disease appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

The post Myths About Periodontal Disease appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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