The Future Has Arrived! Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Periodontics, PART 2

The Future Has Arrived! Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Periodontics, PART 2

This article, part 2 of 2, answers some of the frequently asked questions about the application of laser technology in dentistry.
In our previous article post on laser periodontics, we began answering some of the questions that patients frequently ask about the applications of high-energy light beams in dentistry. In this article, the final of a two-part series, the dentist shall answer a few more of your pressing questions so that you can better understand and appreciate just how far modern dental science has come since pliers were considered to be the best solution to a sore tooth!
dentist ft. lauderdale
Question: What benefits do laser periodontics offer over traditional dental technology and procedures?
Answer: Laser periodontics enable your dentist to perform certain procedures without the need for anesthesia, drills, incisions or sutures. This not only renders a patient’s experience in the dentist’s chair pain free, but, without the need for incisions and sutures, it virtually eliminates post-procedural pain and discomfort. Laser periodontics are extremely accurate, causing as little trauma to the surrounding tissue as possible. The entire field actually represents a massive leap forward in the treatment of periodontitis, because it offers a painless and far more accurate and precise solution to the elimination of inflamed tissue and periodontal pockets of bacteria and toxin. In addition to these benefits, the use of lasers in dental surgery controls bleeding and reduces the time it takes for the tissue to naturally heal. In other words, laser periodontics is less invasive and less traumatic on tissue in the mouth and as such, it is virtually painless!
Question: Are lasers safe?
Answer: Well, that really depends who’s on the other end of the laser, says Dr. Levine! You would definitely be urged to run if it was an Imperial Storm Trouper, but in the context of dentistry, the use of lasers is completely safe, provided your dentist is qualified in their use. You will be required to wear special glasses that will protect your eyes during the application of the laser.

Laser Periodontics Ft. Lauderdale

Question: Are laser periodontics a viable treatment option for me?
Answer: Laser periodontics is the field of dentistry that focuses upon the treatment of advanced and chronic oral bacterial infections using laser technology. A concentrated high-energy beam of light is used to remove inflamed tissue and periodontal (around the tooth) pockets of bacteria, decay, plaque and tartar. In conjunction with anti-biotic medication and a much improved standard of oral hygiene, laser periodontics can help to eliminate a bacterial infection and restore good oral health. So, to answer the above question, it really depends upon the problem the individual patient presents with. Dr. Levine will perform a thorough clinical examination first in order to make a diagnosis before a treatment plan is decided upon. Should you present with an acute bacterial infection of the gums, then laser periodontics may very well be your solution. But this depends greatly upon the verdict of the dentist.
A Final Note on Laser Periodontics
Laser dentistry and laser periodontics can be used to treat a great number and variety of oral problems and complaints in a virtually painless way. It is always best that you seek the professional attention if you suspect that you have an oral infection; you may not require laser therapy if it is caught in the early stages.

The post The Future Has Arrived! Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Periodontics, PART 2 appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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