The Importance of Regular Dental Exams

The Importance of Regular Dental Exams

 This article explains the importance of receiving regular (bi-annual) professional oral health and hygiene care.
Regular dental exams  are an integral part of proper healthcare. In your childhood and early adulthood, healthy teeth and gums may seem like a given, but the toll of the years can become visible, not only in the compromised quality of your smile but also in the actual loss of teeth! Proper oral hygiene and regular check-ups constitute one’s defense against the millions of disease-causing bacteria that naturally inhabit our mouth. Periodontal disease is a consequence of those who do not practice this kind of preventative care, so if it has been more than a year since your last dental exam, perhaps it’s time to dial the dentist!
The Importance of Regular Dental Exams : Under the Microscope
Our mouths offer the perfect environment for bacteria to flourish. It’s dark, warm and wet, and every time we eat or drink something, a feast of food and sugary residue is left behind. In fact, it’s for this very reason that brushing after every meal is so important. When left in place, plaque – a soft sticky substance made up of billions of bacteria – hardens to form tartar; and no amount of brushing can get rid of this dangerous and unsightly substance. Now, for those that don’t go for regular dental exams , this tartar is left to cause all sorts of problems. These include cavities, dental caries and oral bacterial infection, which can develop into periodontal disease !


By practicing thorough oral hygiene at home (brushing AND flossing), eating a balanced diet, refraining from damaging habits such as tobacco smoking and by going for bi-annual dental exams , you can quite easily preserve the health of your teeth and gums until well into your late adulthood and beyond! Translated into a language the lay person can truly appreciate, regular dental exams :
  • Save you money on all those expensive procedures, surgeries, medications and consultations that would be required to treat more serious oral afflictions, such as tooth loss and periodontal disease .
  • Saves you having to go through the pain, discomfort and recovery associated with these more drastic measures.
  • Dental exams preserve smile aesthetics and self-confidence, which naturally comes from having a healthy smile and fresh breath.
  • The Bottom Line


    A fear of the dentist or a concern for finances should not prevent you from regular dental exams . One of the most prevalent health concerns of today is periodontal disease  and ironically, it is also one of the most preventable. Prevention is better than cure, so make sure that you see a qualified and experienced dentist twice a year for a thorough oral health and hygiene assessment during dental exams . Should the dentist find anything wrong or identify any potential problems, you can receive the treatment you need before you face the emotionally and financially expensive consequences of untreated decay and infection!

The post The Importance of Regular Dental Exams appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

The post The Importance of Regular Dental Exams appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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