Global Big Latch On, August 3rd, Heritage Park, Plantation

Global Big Latch On events take place at registered locations around the world, where people gather together to breastfeed and offer peer support to each other. This Saturday, we will be attending this event to show support to the community and join this celebration to promote and support breastfeeding. Volunteers from within the community host each location, hosting a Global Big Latch On event creates a lasting support network for the community.

History Of Big Latch On

  • Women’s Health Action started the Big Latch On in New Zealand, in 2005.
  • Joanne Edwards (Small Beginnings Group, LLC) introduced the Big Latch On to Portland, Oregon in 2010.
  • In 2011, Annie Brown and members of Le Leche League USA worked with Joanne to grow the Big Latch On across the USA.
  • Women’s Health Action and the Big Latch On Global Coordinator Joanne Edwards of Small Beginnings Group, LLC joined forces in 2012.
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