
Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Hygiene (Part 1)

Protect Your Smile with Proper Oral Hygiene   This two-part article series answers frequently asked questions about oral healthcare and hygiene.   In term of oral hygiene, healthy teeth and gums speak volumes about your general health and well-being. Oral conditions, such as periodontal (gum) disease lead to other serious ailments that affect the rest […]

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Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Disease! PART 2

Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Disease! PART 2 This article, part 2 of 4, presents a number of questions that are frequently asked by patients about periodontal (gum) disease. In our previous article post, we began answering some of the questions most frequently asked by patients about periodontal or gum disease. We began with a definition […]

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Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Disease! PART 1

Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Disease! PART 1 This article, part 1 of 4, presents a number of questions that are frequently asked by patients about periodontal (gum) disease. According to statistics released by the Center for Disease Control, an incredible 80% of the population presents with some form or stage of oral bacterial infection! […]

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Why Dentists Recommend Dental Implants

Why Dentists Recommend Dental Implants This article explores the benefits and advantages of dental implants over the more traditional tooth replacement technologies; dental bridges and removable dentures.Tooth loss is not something one dwells much on until the day comes that one or more become accidentally knocked out or irreparably damaged or decayed. And according to […]

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Extractions  Removal of hopeless teeth is a more simplified and conservative extraction procedure today. The post Extractions appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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Sugar’s Many Disguises

WHEN WE THINK OF SUGARY FOOD, we usually picture things like candy, cake, pie, ice cream, and soda, but there is sugar hiding in many of the foods we buy at the grocery store — even foods we don’t think of as sweet! This is bad news for our oral health, because the harmful bacteria in […]

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Five Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth, PART 2

This article, part 2 of 2, presents five interesting facts about oral health and hygiene. In the previous article post, we had a look at two interesting facts you may not have known about your teeth. The first was that sour or acidic food is as detrimental to the enamel of your teeth as a […]

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Five Things You Didn’t Know About Your Teeth, PART 1

This article, part 1 of 2, presents five interesting facts about teeth, oral health and hygiene.   Your teeth enable you to eat, chew, articulate properly in speech and of course, look dashing when you smile! They go with you wherever you go and they are as attached to you as your belly button is […]

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Your Teeth and Candy

Your Teeth and Candy This article discusses the various hazards associated with indulging in sweet candies and the habits people should avoid developing. A life without candy for some wouldn’t be a life worth living. And while there is little more delightful than a bright and colorful sugar-rich treat, this kind of indulgence does come […]

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Periodontist and Your General Dentist

Periodontist and your General Dentist Cooperation between the periodontist and the general restorative dentist provides the best possible care for our patients. The post Periodontist and Your General Dentist appeared first on Kenneth R. Levine, DDS.

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